
Welcome to our forms page, where you, as a member of Pan Idræt, can easily find the relevant forms for your needs. Regardless of whether you need to request a refund of outlays, pay an invoice, apply for a tax-free allowance or something else entirely, we have gathered all the necessary forms here.


Reimbursement of expenses

If you have incurred expenses that must be reimbursed based on receipts, click below.

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Payment of invoice

If you have an invoice that needs to be paid by Pan Idræt, please fill out this form.

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Tax free allowance

If tax-exempt compensation needs to be paid to you or your volunteer coaches, please press below and fill out the form.

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Taxable fee payment to trainers etc.

If fees are to be paid to trainers or others in the association, click below and fill in the forms.

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Travel allowance and mileage allowance

If you need a travel allowance, click below and fill in the form.

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Payment according to agreement with the board

If you have a written agreement with the board about payment that is not covered by the other forms, click below and fill in the form.

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Application for a reduced membership fee

If you wish to apply for reduced membership fees, please click below where you can read more about the scheme and fill out the form. Apply here

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Apply for membership fee exemption

If your department has decided to exempt someone from paying membership fees, use this form to apply.

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Opt-out of a sport/team

If you wish to opt-out of a sport/team, please use this form.

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Udmeldelse af Pan Idræt

Ønsker du at melde dig ud af Pan Idræt kan du benytte denne formular.

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