

Go to dodgeball with like-minded people in Pan Idræt.

About Dodgeball

Dodgeball is a sport many compare to Høvdingebold, but there are some differences in balls and rules. Whether you are a professional ball player or completely new, it doesn't matter, everyone can join and the most important thing is that we have fun

Everyone is welcome regardless of gender, sexuality, etc So come and try dodgeball, possibly the most fun sport in Pan Idræt and find joy in an up-and-coming sport, like so many others before.


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Reasons to join Pan Idræt and Dodgeball

  • Make new friends in an inclusive community
  • Choose from a large selection of sports
  • Put together your membership flexibly
  • Participate in social events
  • Strengthen your physical and mental health
  • Get involved in diversity and equality
  • Participate in national and international events
  • Join a strong network of volunteers
  • Positive contribution to LGBTQ+ well-being
  • Get access to member offers and discounts

Where and when

Training (August – June)

Monday at 19.00 – 21.00 & Thursday at 18.30 – 21.00

Skolen ved Bülowsvej, Fuglevangsvej 8, 1962 Frederiksberg, Denmark



Over the summer, we practice dodgeball in cages around the city

Get more information at Pan dodgeball facebook group here.


    The next 4 activities

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    Membership and registration

    The team fee can be found in the registration form below. In addition club fee is paid 50 DKK per month. Regardless of how many teams you are registered for, you only pay the club fee once. If you are completely new, you will also pay a registration fee of 150 kr. starting from February 1, 2025.

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    Badminton træning

    The Pan Idræt app

    It has never been easier to be a member of Pan Idræt. With our app, you always have the team calendar, events, your membership and much more at your fingertips.

    With the app you can:

    • Get an overview of activities
    • Register and unregister activities
    • Buy tickets for events
    • Stay updated about your team

    Contact Dodgeball
