Sponsors and sponsorship concept

At Pan Idræt, we work hard to create inclusive and diverse sports communities that embrace everyone under the rainbow. We believe in the power of sports to unite people and create positive change. Our sponsorship program invites visionary companies to become part of this journey and support our mission to make sports a more inclusive place.

In 2024, we have had the pleasure of collaborating with a number of fantastic sponsors and contributors who have helped make a difference:


Pan Idræt – Sponsors and contributors

danske bank

Danske Bank

Danske Bank played a central role in this year's Pride activities. They enthusiastically participated in our Pride Run, co-hosted the Pride Dance at Nytorv and ended the day in the Rainbow Lounge with a festive evening in collaboration with Trixie. A big thank you to Danske Includers for their commitment and support for diversity in sports.



Matas put Pan Idræt on the map with their “Share Your Love” campaign. With a photo trailer that toured the country, they created attention and culminated in Nytorv with their participation in this year’s Pride Cup, which they even won. We look forward to seeing Matas defend their title in 2025.



Netto contributed to Pan Idræt's work for inclusion and diversity by selling rainbow merchandise in their stores across the country. In addition, senior employees participated in the Pride Cup – wearing yellow, of course. We are grateful for Netto's support and look forward to continued cooperation.

novo nordisk

Novo Nordisk

Novo Nordisk, with their focus on “equal access to health for all,” has been a perfect partner. In 2024, we, together with Stonewall UK, distributed over 8,000 rainbow shoelaces at the DHL race in Fælledparken, highlighting diversity in sports. We look forward to seeing what our collaboration can develop into in the future.



Maersk participated in our Rainbow Sports Film Festival with a special screening for their employees and a colorful canal cruise hosted by Chantal Al Arab. Thank you for your support and commitment to creating space for everyone in sports.

dansk tennis

Danish Tennis Foundation

The Danish Tennis Foundation supported the celebration of Pan Idræt's 40th anniversary in 2024. With Leif Rovsing, part of the community and founder of the foundation, as inspiration, we are proud to continue a legacy that celebrates volunteerism, community and space for everyone in sports.

Fabritius Tengnagel & Heine Advokater

Fabritius Tengnagel & Heine Lawyers

We would like to send a special thank you to Søren Locher, partner at Fabritius Tengnagel & Heine, who has been the association's legal support and sparring partner for several years. The law firm has helped us with contracts, disputes, advice, assistance at general meetings, etc. and the always constructive sparring makes a huge difference to our work. We greatly appreciate the cooperation and that you help strengthen our efforts for diversity and community in sports.

Thank you to our sponsors and contributors

A big thank you to all our sponsors and contributors in 2024. We look forward to working with both new and existing partners in 2025.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or partner, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]Together we can make a difference!
